A regimen for healthy relaxed hair on a budget

Here is a basic regimen with products to obtain healthy relaxed hair.It's a pretty cheap regime good for college/university students or individuals on a budget.Just in case you don't know of something basic to begin with.I'm not affiliated with none of this products or store.
The products in these regime may be hard to get in the EU or outside the US in such case i'll probably suggest other products,
Please do not plagiarize.

To moisturize your hair use something cheap like silk elements silken child conditioner. http://www.sallybeauty.com/Silken-Child-…

or something little bit more expensive:http://www.sallybeauty.com/repair-creme/…

When your hair is breaking or once a month use nutress protein pck to strengthen your hair. http://www.sallybeauty.com/Nutress-Protein-Pack/SBS-151000,default,pd.html?cgid=Hair03-05

To deep condition your hair use organic root stimulator replenishing conditioner (smells really nice is something you must try).

Try to avoid alcohol denat/isopropyl or lanolin and mineral oil.

so now what to do:

1.Choose 2 days out of the week to shampoo!The one day you will cowash which mean shampoo with conditioner here is how to do it: (Wet your hair, and start shampooing with the conditioner. Use globs of it. Don’t worry about using too much. (use a cheap one like suave or Vo5 strawberries and cream) You almost cant. Use about a quarter size in the front, the top and on each side and the back. Concentrate on rubbing it into your scalp. Do not rub it into the lengths of your hair. You can apply it to the length of your hair like normal conditioner, but don’t rub. You scalp should be slick and entirely covered with conditioner. Put your hair up into a shower cap or something to keep it out of the way. Your hair has to sit for a few minutes with the conditioner on it to do its work. Go on about your shower business and rinse your hair last. RINSE VERY WELL! Rinse longer than you think you should. If you feel its necessary, add your regular conditioner to your ends and rinse again.
That’s it!

So what’s different? Your hair will feel really soft, even when it’s wet. You may worry that your hair will be limp but it wont. (just use a light conditioner that wont weight down your hair) .

Then the other day you will shampoo (with a regular shampoo) you should also do a deep conditioning treatment organic root stimulator..... or another good hair mask.Apply it to wet towel blotted hair ,cover with a shower cap and leave it for an hour without heat or 15-30 min under a hooded dryer.Then rinse and proceed with styling. (written by Glorious angel ©)

Each day you shampoo I'll recommend you either rollerset or air dry (we want to lessen the direct heat usage which means flat irons and blowdryers).You can also do braids with or without extensions (preferably without) to give your hair a break but don't do it tightly.You can moisturize any day anytime your hair feels dry i'll suggest you wet it a bit before moisturizing.Or apply a little oil like wheat germ oil (rich in vitamins and ceramides).Before rollersetting you should you one of the 2 moisturizer i suggested (get one of them) you can also apply a little serum or oil but be light handed so that your hair wont get greasy.Also take a picture of your hair length now and after 3 or 4 months of taking care of it to see the difference.

Written by Glorious angel of  Vivid thoughts of Glory blog©

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